Friday, April 24, 2009

Clarissa's wedding

I thought I would post a few pictures that I took yesterday morning of Clarissa & Hunter for everyone to see, in case you didn't. Hope you like them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Teaching Children About Money

I just found this really cool site for teaching children about money. There are is a fun quiz to show "My family IQ" about money. Pretty fun. They also have a really cool workbook you can download to help you teach your children about money. The site is designed for not just parents and children, but educators as well.

You search or cirriculum based on state and what grade level. They currently offer grades 3-5. You can also look through the parents tab to get the workbook. There is also a board game that can be bought for about $20 to make the learning and teaching even more fun. Pretty cool site for anyone trying to teach their kids about finances and handling money early on in life. Teaching children about money isn't always easy, but this site looks pretty cool to give some great tips.