Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Poll Time!!!

OK, I know this is kinda dumb. Ive got this comming weekend off (Fri, Sat, Sun) and it will most likely be my last until December or so, since we should finally be going back to summer schedule at work. Now here's the dilemma. We were originally going to go to Twin Falls, ID to the new temple open house, got tickets and everything. But I was also thinking San Diego because we have Seaworld passes good untill the end of the year. My heart says Seaworld, but my head and wallet say Twin Falls (actually the wallet says stay home, but I'm done listening to him). So I need your help. Which one would you do? OK, Twin Falls is closer (250 miles), has a uplifting spiritual experience, and is closer (I know I mentioned that already, but I wanted 3 good things about TF and could only think of 2). But on the downside, TF is, well, in Idaho. It is close enough that we could come back same day if we get bored enought and do something else Saturday and Sunday. San Diego is more funner, has more funner stuff, and has Tijuana near by (donkey show?), but its much further away (about 600 miles each way) which hurts even more with $4.50 gas, and it also has Tijuana near by (guess I could fill up in TJ for $2/gallon and wait at the border for 3 hours to come back in). Also, if you dont like any of those options, suggest your own, but don't say come to Phoenix cause its too damn hot. Just leave your choice in the comment so I dont have to decide.



Lexi said...

ahh tough choice. TF would be spiritual, but SD would be more fun. What is Amy's opnion lol, I want to make sure I agree with her. Nah, I think I would go with SD. More fun for the family overall and I have been to a temple open house and I didn't really like it. But you might would have fun. However, if it was me alone, well I would go to TF, but if it is a family event, I say SD for sure!

Pottruffs said...

It actually sounds like you've made up your mind and really want to go to San Diego. I have never been to SeaWorld and would be very jealous. On the other hand MT is very close to Idaho, hint hint, but it's not my vacation. I would do something you would remember and the kids will have a blast doing. I agree with Lexi, great family event to go to SD.