Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am proud to say that I am mostly done with Christmas shopping! I HATE waiting until after Thansgiving because it is nearly impossible to find what I want and then I stress over whether it will arrive on time if I ordered it online. I can't stand long lines and crazy crowds trying to buy the same items and being grumpy, so I just avoid it. Heck, if I could avoid food shopping from a week before Thanksgiving to a week after Christmas I would!

So I am pleased with myself this year. I bought all the kids presents & most stocking stuffers. Parents are taken care of as well. I even have everything except one item for our communities Christmas Elves program for needy families. I will buy that tomorrow to get that done too.

I even have gifts for Collin's birthday so we are doing great. Of course, I spent way too much in one month to get everything but that is to be expected. I always overspend! Thankfully Devin works a ton of overtime in the winter to cover it all. I sure love that man.

So how are you doing with preparing for the holiday?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm getting old

Devin and I were enjoying a relaxing afternoon together yesterday with Cameron taking a nap and Contessa and Collin at school. All of a sudden Devin tells me not to move and pulls out a piece of my hair. WHAT was he thinking?! Anyway, so it turns out that particular piece of hair was not any shade of brown or red like most of the others. No this one was white. Then he proceeds to pull out 7 more! I am officially getting old. I'm not even 30! Heck, I'm not even 29 so why am I going gray already?

I guess that's just the way things are. At least I'm not alone, Devin had much more gray than I do! HAHA!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

For the love of shoes!

Cameron needed a new pair of shoes. Seriously, when don't kids need new shoes! So we took him to took for some. We eventually found a pair of Yo Gabba Gabba shoes in his size. He loved them. He loved them so much that he took them with him to bed last night! He set them on the edge of the bed and pulled the blanket over them. I'm assuming he wanted to keep them warm! It was really cute. He was so excited to have his new shoes. He's been wearing them since he woke up. Oh, for the love...of shoes.

(Of course, I "needed" new shoes too and ended up with 2 pairs of boots! I have never spent so much on shoes for me before. But I love them.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a BOY!

So we didn't mean to find out what we were having, but we know now that we are having another boy. His due date is March 24 and so far everything looks great. He moves around alot and is constantly enjoying the bouncy-ness (is that a word?!) of my bladder. We will have to do some rearranging of rooms in the future, but we are excited to welcome him into the world in less than 19 weeks. YEA! Over 1/2 way through.