Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm getting old

Devin and I were enjoying a relaxing afternoon together yesterday with Cameron taking a nap and Contessa and Collin at school. All of a sudden Devin tells me not to move and pulls out a piece of my hair. WHAT was he thinking?! Anyway, so it turns out that particular piece of hair was not any shade of brown or red like most of the others. No this one was white. Then he proceeds to pull out 7 more! I am officially getting old. I'm not even 30! Heck, I'm not even 29 so why am I going gray already?

I guess that's just the way things are. At least I'm not alone, Devin had much more gray than I do! HAHA!


Jennie said...

hehe, don't worry! I had to start pulling a couple of years ago (at work curiously enough, which was probably to cause also). And it the same with my husband, he has a great smathering of gray.

Lexi said...

Dave has some random grey pieces every now and then too. It must be in the genes but that is okay with me because I LOVE your dad's color of grey