Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am proud to say that I am mostly done with Christmas shopping! I HATE waiting until after Thansgiving because it is nearly impossible to find what I want and then I stress over whether it will arrive on time if I ordered it online. I can't stand long lines and crazy crowds trying to buy the same items and being grumpy, so I just avoid it. Heck, if I could avoid food shopping from a week before Thanksgiving to a week after Christmas I would!

So I am pleased with myself this year. I bought all the kids presents & most stocking stuffers. Parents are taken care of as well. I even have everything except one item for our communities Christmas Elves program for needy families. I will buy that tomorrow to get that done too.

I even have gifts for Collin's birthday so we are doing great. Of course, I spent way too much in one month to get everything but that is to be expected. I always overspend! Thankfully Devin works a ton of overtime in the winter to cover it all. I sure love that man.

So how are you doing with preparing for the holiday?


Jessica said...

wow amy you are amazing! i always say i am going to do it early, but it never happens. i am still wondering what to get for my girls. trying to think of combined gifts, (which is hard because of the age differance) . fighting over one toy has been a problem. wya to go. let me know if you have any bright ideas for me! i am always open :)

Lexi said...

I always do it early but this year, I am slacking a bit and we are spending out money in other places, so I have put it off and now am stressing, not to mention they dno't have many toys here this year. But this week, I have put everything in my amazon basket and will be making the purchase shortly for everythign else I want.

Pottruffs said...

Wow, I'm not doing as well as you. I have started, but am not nearly where I want to be on the buying stuff. I don't have any for my kids yet, which scares me. I wish Evan could do overtime at work. I am working once a week, but that's all the lady can give me. I have been spending it on what is needed. You're awesome to have that all done. Wish I could. I need to go shopping! LOL

Sara Duce said...


Thanks for your comment on my blogspot. What a cute family you have. I am glad things are going well with you also.

I know that you commented on my blog two months ago, but I seriously haven't looked at it in twice that long. (I'm still trying to get the hang of this and initially I am not very successful. Better late than never, though!

Take care.
