Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cameron Walking

I had to post some video of Cameron walking today. He had been only taking a few steps at a time, but when Devin got the camcorder out he thought it was cool and wanted to show off, so this is actually the furthest he had walked.

If you notice at the start Collin rolled and bumped into him, but he was able to stay up!


Lexi said...

What a great video! I know the kids can't wait to see this! How did you get a video to post? I have tried a couple different ways and it just won't work.

Ulibarri Family said...

I uploaded it to Youtube, then it gives you a code that I copied and put on the top of the HTML page (when you are typing a post there are 2 tabs, one compose the other HTML)

I tried to put it below and it wouldn't work, it had to be at the top.

Jessica said...

hi amy! how are ya. this is so cute! cant wait for callie to be a walkin... well.. i take that back! i can wait! :o)