Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I marvel at how excited kids get from balloons. I needed carnations for a preschool experiement we are doing tomorrow. So I took the kids with me to the flower shop. I bought each a balloon as well to keep them entertained. All three love them. Cameron has a bright green balloon. The lady tied it to his wrist. He just stood there holding his arm out and watching it. He didn't want to move!

So now they are sitting on the coach playing with the balloons. I should use this time to get some writing done, but I just had to share.


Lexi said...

balloons do fascinate kids. i dont get it either, but they annoy the heck out of me! I hate getting the kids balloons

Pottruffs said...

I love that kids are so entertained by balloons. I could only get a cheap bag of balloons for Jon's birthday. The kids blew them up and popped them all. They had a blast just doing that forever.