Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cameron the Star!

Our local paper comes out once a week on Wednesday's. Well, we had a community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday and one of the reporters for the Ely Times asked if he could take a picture of Cameron. So I said he could, even though Cam had been crying (he had finally figured out what the egg hunt was all about and all the eggs were gone!)

So here is his picture in our paper. My baby is a star!


Jessica said...

what a cutie! they picked the right little one to put in the paper!

Lexi said...

This is cute. We were in the post paper this week too. We were in for when the paper was taking pictures of the 5 K race

Pottruffs said...

You go Cameron. Too bad the whole concept wasn't figured out in time. That happens. I understand. Very cute that he got in the paper.