Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our life for the past 2 months....

Well, we've been lazy and haven't updated in way too long. So here is a bit about our life over the last few months.

  • Carter is getting really big! He just turned 3 months and is getting the chubbiness I love!
  • Cameron started potty training...I hate potty training, can't they come with a switch that you just flip so it isn't so difficult and frustrating??? He's doing ok with it though.
  • Contessa & Collin are out of school for the summer. They both had really high reading scores and are way above grade level for it. Both are doing great in school and seem to love learning.
  • Amy got an A & a B in here 2 spring semester classes.
  • Devin has been working like crazy
  • Contessa earned several badges in Girl Scouts, which she was presented with on Tuesday.

What our plans are...

  • We are going to Washington DC in July for 6 days. We are really excited. The kids can't wait to see the places that were in the second Night at the Museum movie. Collin suggested it for our family vacation this year. Hopefully everything goes well, the plane rides are making me nervous...4 kids on a plane with layovers! I know people do it all the time, but I don't!
  • Hopefully we will be able to take a few days to see Dave & Lexi when they are taking their trip (if they still plan on it) in August/September. I love visiting family!

Well, that is a brief update on us. I'm too lazy to post pictures right now, so sorry about that!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Clarissa's wedding

I thought I would post a few pictures that I took yesterday morning of Clarissa & Hunter for everyone to see, in case you didn't. Hope you like them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Teaching Children About Money

I just found this really cool site for teaching children about money. There are is a fun quiz to show "My family IQ" about money. Pretty fun. They also have a really cool workbook you can download to help you teach your children about money. The site is designed for not just parents and children, but educators as well.

You search or cirriculum based on state and what grade level. They currently offer grades 3-5. You can also look through the parents tab to get the workbook. There is also a board game that can be bought for about $20 to make the learning and teaching even more fun. Pretty cool site for anyone trying to teach their kids about finances and handling money early on in life. Teaching children about money isn't always easy, but this site looks pretty cool to give some great tips.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Here are a few pictures of Carter (day he was born and shortly after). Been really busy but thought I should really get this done!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


We just spent a few days in Las Vegas with some family and had a great time. Devin was able to relax some when he wasn't worried about me and just enjoy the time together. Even when I was hurting from sore muscles I enjoyed it. The guys (well, most of them, sorry Scott!) did well at the craps tables which definately brought up their moods! A few of us girls were able to take some time to get our nails done which was very relaxing and entertaining. There were a few girls there that were obviously high, so we had our entertainment while watching and listening to them.

The kids had a great time as well. They were enjoying seeing their cousins and staying up late. Cameron didn't go to sleep before 11pm either night, and after not getting naps you would think he would have crashed but he is stubborn!

It was a great trip and we are both glad we were able to do it. Thanks for hanging with us guys!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thoughts on a difficult day...

February 4th holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons. First off, 9 years ago, I married the person who means the most to me in this life and in the life to come, Amy. We picked this day because I guess we thought there was something special in the numerical date (2-4-00, two for eternity if you imagine the zero's as that sideways 8 symbol that means infinity in math). My sister, Jerri Lynn, know affecinetly as Sis, was also born of February 4th. Today, it takes on a new meaning, though maybe not as happy as the others. Since I seem to be having a touch of the flu or whatever other germ is going around, I laid back down to bed after I had gotten up. About 2pm, as I was still asleep, Amy brought the phone into me, my mother had called. While it may not be unusual for a mother to talk to her son, my mom knows that first, I'm not a great coversationalist. I am a very get to the point person on the phone, and second, if it's something important, it's best to tell Amy as I will forget some detail. After saying hello, I could tell immedietly from my mother's voice what she had to tell me. My Grammie (the name we always called my father's mother) had passed away. The event was not unexpected, but as these things allway do, it came as a shock. It took me a moment to compose my thoughts on what to say next. I felt the immedient comfort of the Holy Spirit which calmed me. My thoughts then turned to my family. I was happy to hear my father was doing well, or at least as well as you can be when faced with that situation. I began to think about the many memories I had of my grandmother. Her and my Aunt Pricilla listening to my stupid impressions as a kid. Warm apricot empenatas cooling on the stove right after they got out of the oven. Stopping to see her at her house on the edge of Thatcher after visiting Grandma Gibbons in Safford. I am greatful for the woman she was, and her strength, especially thru her last few year as she battled kidney disease and complications for diabetes. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to see her in Thatcher last year, and that Amy and the kids were with me. I was amazed how much chinese food a little woman who might have been 5 foot in her shoes with a inch or two of heel could put away. She put me to shame that day. I am especially greatful for my Aunt Pricilla who gave so much of herself these last few years to help Grammie with her doctors appointments and shopping and household chores. I hope she is comforted and that she may know that death isn't the end of life, and that families can continue for all eternity. I pray for that comforting spirit to be with all my family, wherever they may be. I wish I could be there for each of you, and want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

This evening, while thinking of things entirely different, I came across a short story recorded by a favorite musician of mine, Sam Payne. It turnes out he does a brief weekly thought for a internet radio station he is involved with. This week, he told of a dream he had years ago sitting with his deceased grandfather and grandmother as they reminiced about life over a glass of lemonade. It seemed to some up so many of my thougts exactly, and I wanted to share it. I hope that each of us can someday share an experience like Sam dreampt with our loved ones when the time comes for us to leave this mortal life and cross the veil to the next.

I am greatful for the blessings of the temple, that families can be together forever. I am greatful for the great sacrifice of Christ, that through his atonement, we can all return to the presence of God someday. I hope someday I have the opportunity to sit with Grammie and my loved ones over some lemonade and talk about the memories we share.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


YEAH! After too long not seeing some of my favorite people (Dave, Lexi & Family) we finally get to see them soon! I was a bit bummed that we weren't going to be able to take a trip to AZ to see them while they are there in Feb being too close to my due date. Traveling that long really takes its toll on me. But, fortunately we are all meeting up in Las Vegas (much shorter distance for me!) to have a bit of fun. We even get to hang out with Mark & Jess and Scott & Miss! I am way too excited that they could come too. It should be so much fun.

We are going just a few days after our anniversary, so we can celebrate that (our honeymoon was in Vegas) as well as Valentines day too. So many things to celebrate and not enough time! Maybe I will splurge and finally get the massage I've always wanted. Perhaps the other ladies would join me?? A few hours at a spa sounds so relaxing. Of course, it probably sounds like a year of torture for the guys to have to watch all the kids for a few hours!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pictures I took for my photography class

I had my first assignment for my photography class and was supposed to take photos of anything outdoors. So I spent a while outside taking pictures of the kids and various snow covered items. Most of the pictures of the kids weren't my "best" so I didn't send them in for my assignment, but here are a few of those plus what I turned in for a grade.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Callings

Devin was called to be a ward mission leader. I was called to be a ward librarian. So we both have new callings and while we expected Devin's, mine came as quite a surprise! Devin will probably pretty busy, but I think he will really enjoy it. He will be working with one of our friends so that will definately make it nice for him.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies!

Today was the day that Contessa was able to start taking orders for Girl Scout cookies. After getting her order forms this morning we went around and she asked a few of our friends. We also headed to the hospital to see Devin and were able to sell quite a few to the nurses there. So in just 3 hours she sold more than 40 boxes!

I am going to take pictures of her in her new vest so everyone can see how cute she is in it. She is really excited and had set a goal to sell 65 boxes, but I think she will be able to sell even more than that if she keeps it up.

If anyone wants some, just let us know and we can order them before Jan 27th. They are delivered the end of February and that is when the money is due. I can mail them to you or can save them until we see you again.

Being the Cookie Manager will have me busy for the next 2 months. I just hope my house can handle the number of boxes that it will be holding until all the parents come pick up the orders for their girls. I guess I have some rearranging to do!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Scott and Miss' Wedding!

Sorry, it's late and I've got to work in the morning, so I'm not writing much, but the wedding is hands down the best event I've been to so far in 2009! OK, enough smart assing. Here are the pics for those interested and those unable to attend. If anyone wants the originals, let me know and I'll rar them together and put it on rapidshare or something.

Here's the pics

PS-I know alot of them are of my kids, but I tried to get a little of everyone, but there are alot I missed. It doesn't mean I dont like you/your kids if I didn't get many pics of them. Besides, Autumn was the official photo person, mine are just very amature snapshots and it shows.

PPS-I just realized not all of them have uploaded. This should be rectified by the time most of you look at this.