Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dang Jessica Tagged me! (Love Ya, Jess!)

4 or more places i have been on vacation......
California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Missouri (Was that a vacation Lexi? I still haven't decided!)

4 or more places i have lived.....
I haven't lived in 4 cities, but here are the houses: East Mesa with Mom & Dad, West Mesa, Phoenix, Ely rental (or dump as we prefer to call it!), Ely home where we live now!

4 jobs i have had....
Babysitting, Rockin R' Ranch (who hasn't worked there in my family!), Papa Kelsey's, GM Proving Grounds clerk, legal secretary, account clerk, Mommy (my favorite job!), freelance writer (second favorite!)

4 foods i love....
Peaches, chocolate, lasagna, lemon chicken, anything we can't get in this small town!

4 hobbies i have....
blogging, traveling, watching movies, photography, scrabooking, camping, reading, decorating house

4 things you probably didnt know about me....
I failed English my sophmore year (and yes, I am a writer!), I am a mail decoy (companies send me stuff to see how long it takes to get to my zip code), I can't sleep past 6:30 even if the kids happen to, I order my Thanksgiving meal from a grocery store (well, its just us for Thanksgiving and my kitchen is tiny!), I want lots more kids (probably won't happen, but I can dream!!!)

4 things you would do if you were a billionare....
- Pay off my parents house and set up an account for them to live off the interest so they can retire and travel if they want.
- Donate to the church
- pay off all my debts and build our dream home (which wouldn't cost much, we already have a basic design!)
- Pay off my brothers & sisters houses (or buy them a reasonably priced/sized house)
- Adopt several kids

Well, I guess thats a bit about me.

I think I will tagging....
I don't know anyone else with blogs that haven't already been tagged!!!!

1 comment:

Lexi said...

This was fun to read! I count Missouri a vaction, I guess lol. It was A LOT of driving lol. Amy, you chat with tons of people on websites, if you tell them about your blog, you will usually get their blog pages in return.