Friday, January 18, 2008

Another night in the ER

So I ended up in the ER last night again. Kidney Stones...again. I tried to take pain meds at home instead of waking up the kids, but they didn't relieve the pain enough, it was too much. So, Devin came and picked us all up. Contessa & Collin were able to sleep in his office, but Cameron wasn't having any of that. So they walked the hospital halls while I was checked...and drugged!

I am better today, I just feel really tired and sick. I have an appointment Tuesday in Salt Lake with a Urologist to try and break them up. Apparently they are all (15 or so) really large. One seems to be stuck, which is the reason for the pain. I am hoping they can get it done so they will be easier to get rid of.

So that was our fun night.


Jessica said...

amy ! you poor thing! hope your appt. goes good! hang in there! love ya

Lexi said...

I am so sorry. My mom had them once and she said it was the worse pain anyone could ever have. worse than having children. I am so sorry and hope you get better soon