Monday, January 28, 2008


I can't stand laundry! I swear it never gets completely done and it takes too much time and work. If I could, I would just toss out the old stuff and wear new clothes everyday, just so I wouldn't have to do laundry. Extreme? Yes, but it is my dream.

(Can you tell it was laundry day?)


Lexi said...

i hate laundry too. I created a laundry scedule, so Mon- Fri I do laundry but at least I get two days off. I have to do this because it take 4 hrs to do one load, so if I get relaxed on the schedule, i am the one that pays for it.

Pottruffs said...

Sorry to sound like I'm the goody cleaning lady, but I love doing laundry. I hate to put it away but love washing, is that weird???? I think it's because we live off-grid and the only way I can get lots done is if I go to the laundry mat. So I get it all done in a day and lots of time till the next wash day. I love washing towels. I'm a towel nut. Love to feel them out of the dryer. Not many things I love to clean, but clothes is one. Now kitchens, you can have that.