Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New job!

Amy just go another new job! I applied for a blogging job a month ago and never heard anything, so didn't think I got it. Well, I got an email yesterday saying they wanted me to send a piece and if they like it, then I will get paid, and I will be able to blog up to 5 times a week.

They LOVED my post. So now, I am blogging about....shoes! I can't believe it. The best part is that I am basically making up a person and writing a journal entry about her shoes for that day. I love it. The pay isn't too shabby either!

So, that is my good news for the day. The blog should be up soon, but it is www.shoetube.tv.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

you always find ways to make money. you are amazing