Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I lost weight!

Okay, so some of you know that I was having strange reactions to the IUD. I had gained quite a bit of weight, which they claim the IUD does not cause. WELL, I had it removed on the 7thm and I have already lost 5 pounds, without trying! In fact, I have been enjoying way too many sweets the last few weeks. SO THERE! It does cause weight gain!


Jessica said...

holy crap[!! maybe i should get mine out! mmmmmm.... never mind!! :D

Lexi said...

You are so funny Amy, but I agree with Jessica, I would rather keep on a few pounds than deal with another baby at home. But, I have not noticed weight gain with the IUD, not like the Depo shot anyway.

Pottruffs said...

Wow, had no idea they could do that. That is so great that you have lost already. That would be a nice diet. We are done, so we are tied and no worries on the IUD's and such. Thank goodness. I was so bad about taking my birth control. We're lucky to have only 2 kids. LOL