Friday, December 14, 2007

UPDATE- Poor Baby

I took Cameron back off the milk and put him on soy milk again and the rash cleared up. So I guess my little guy is still lactose intolerant. He is doing better with the ear infection, he doesn't seem like he is in pain anymore. He isn't taking anitbiotics either now. They don't always give antibiotics for ear infections anymore, but this one was really bad. Luckuly he is back to his normal happy self!

Cameron has been taking antibiotics for his ear infection. The medicine is giving him a horrible diaper rash. Poor baby just screams and cries quite a bit right now from the pain. I feel so bad for him...and me! I am hoping that the pain goes away soon for him, I can't stand seeing him suffer. My house is starting to suffer too!


Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl said...

Would I offend if I offered some advice?

Lexi said...

This happened when Laycee took the antibiotic too. It is most likely a yeast infection, so get something from the doctor or get an over the counter med and he should heal up about 7 days after the antibiotic is through if not sooner.